P. 167

Suggested Treatment
 Infection/ Condition                              Comments
 Preferred       Alternative

 Mild cutaneous candidiasis   Topical imidazole q12h till clear e.g.    Fluconazole 100mg PO q24h for 1 week   Treatment of sexual partner is
    miconazole 2% cream, clotrimazole   (in severe and immunocompromised   advisable in case of recurrent
    1% cream, tioconazole 1% cream   patients)   infection.

 Extensive cutaneous candidiasis   Itraconazole 200mg PO q24h for
 1 week

 Subcutaneous Fungal Infections
 1  (Sporotrichosis)
 Localized to skin only   Itraconazole 200mg PO q24h   Fluconazole 400-800mg q24h   In some immunocompromised
    for 3-6 months for at least 2-4 weeks      condition such as AIDS,
    after recovery.    OR                  longer treatment may be
    (max 200mg q12h, if no response)   Potassium iodide    necessary. Refer to
       (saturated solution 50mg/drop) 5 drops   Opportunistic Infections In
    OR    q8h may increase to 40-50 drops q8h   HIV Patients
    Terbinafine 250mg q24h/q12h
    (max 500mg BD, if no response)         Avoid azole in pregnancy

 Severe life threatening       Amphotericin B, (lipid formulation)
    3–5mg/kg q24h,
    or amphotericin B (deoxycholate),
    0.7–1mg/kg q24h,

    Step down therapy:
    Itraconazole  6–10mg/kg
    (maximum of 400mg)PO q24h

 HPP AMG    Skin & Soft Tissue Infections                            78
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172