Page 17 - Buletin Quality 2018
P. 17

                            9 HPP level Innovation Competition                                                         QA - HSA 2017

           The 9  HPP level Innovation Competition was held in ACC building on 25  July 2017.
        There were a total of 12 competing teams which was divided into various categories:                            QA-HSA 2017

                 •  Product       : 6 teams
                 •  Service       : 2 teams

                 •  Technology: 1 team                                                     There were 6 new groups participated in QA-HSA project for the year 2017. Phase 1
                 •  Process      : 3 teams                                               and Phase 2 workshops were held on 10-12 April 2017 and 25-26 September 2017

                                                                                         respectively at Bangunan Persekutuan.
          Placing          Department/Unit                Project Title                  QA-HSA GROUPS 2017-2018                   QA - HSA GROUPS 2016 - 2017
                                                                                                                                    QA - HSA GROUPS 2016 - 2017
                                                                                           QA - HSA GROUPS 2017 - 2018
          1  Place        Physiotherapy Unit        Simple Slide Exercises (SSE)                  ORTHOPAEDIC
                    Rehabilitation Medicine Department                                                O&G                                     O&G
          2  Place       Pharmacy Department      Insulin Cartridge Exchange (ICE)              ANAESTHESIOLOGY                           PSYCHIATRY
                                                            Program                                                                        PAEDIATRIC
          3  Place       Pharmacy Department                Ezylabel                           DIETETIC & WARD C12                         RADIOLOGY
         Consolation     Pathology Department               Keepie                                 PHARMACY                                PHARMACY
                           Hematology Unit
         Consolation     Pharmacy Department                Medilock

         Consolation   Diagnostic Imaging Department   Reporting Made Easy (RME)       Facilitators:                            Invited Facilitators:

                                                   Video Demonstration On Blood         1)  Dr. Sharmini Diana Parampalam (O&G   1)  Dr. Angeline Yeoh (Paediatric Dept,
                       General Medical Department

         Consolation        Nephrology Unit        Culture Sampling from Dialysis       2)  Dr. Yuzainov bt. Ahmad (O&G Dept)   2)  Dr. Mairin Dulasi (O&G Dept, Hospital
                                                                                                                                   Hospital Seberang Jaya)

         Consolation   Forensic Medicine Department   Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)   3)  Dr. Tan Pek Yong (Paediatric Dept)   Seberang Jaya)
                                                           Training Kit                    4)  Pn. Atisha Abdul Hanif (Pharmacy Dept)   3)  Pn. Lee Kai Fong (Pharmacy Dept,
         Consolation     Orthopedic Department         “Splint PelbagaiGuna”            5)  Pn. Eezsafryna Azalin Nordin (Dietetic &   Hospital Seberang Jaya)

                                                                                           Food Dept)
         Consolation   Nuclear Medicine Department        Neck Support

                         Peadiatric Department
         Consolation                                Spare Handmade Headgear              PHOTOS DURING WORKSHOPS:
                            Respiratory Unit
         Consolation   Ophthalmology Department    Post – Operation Hairwash Eye
                                                         Shield (POHES)

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