P. 155

Suggested Treatment
 Infection/ Condition                           Comments
 Preferred    Alternative

 Herpes Genitalis                    First   and   second    trimester
 First episode and in pregnancy   Acyclovir 400mg q8h PO for 5 days       acquisition:
                                     Acyclovir  is  not  licensed  for  use  in
                                     pregnancy;   however,   there   is
                                     substantial   clinical   experience
 Suppressive therapy:    Acyclovir 400mg PO q12h for up to 1       supporting its safety i.e. the benefits
 (may be indicated if > 6   year, then reassess   of antiviral therapy outweigh the risk
 recurrences per year)               of  withholding  treatment  (pregnancy

                                     Vaginal   delivery   should   be

                                     Third trimester acquisition:
                                     If a true first episode is confirmed,
                                     caesarean section should be
                                     considered for all women, particularly
                                     those developing symptoms after 34
                                     weeks of gestation, as the risk of
                                     viral shedding is very high. If vaginal
                                     delivery is unavoidable, acyclovir
                                     treatment of mother and baby may
                                     be indicated

 1.  Malaysian Guideline in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections 2008.
 2.  Syphilis: A Provider’s Guide to Treatment and Prevention 2017. CDC United States.
 3.  UK National Guidelines on the Management of Syphilis 2008
 4.  British Association of Sexual Health and HIV Clinical Effectiveness Guidelines 2016

 HPP AMG    Sexually Transmitted Infections                          72
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160