Page 30 - Buletin Quality 2018
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MS ISO 9001:2015                                               Healthy Cafeteria: BeSS (Bersih, Selamat dan Sihat) Award

                                                                                                BeSS (Bersih, Selamat dan Sihat) is a recognition given to food premise operators to
                                   The  revision  of  the  ISO  9001  standard  has  been   encourage the provision of safe and healthy food to their customers. There are four main
                              implemented by the International Organization for Standardization
                              (ISO).  ISO  has  recommended  organizations  that  have  MS  ISO   criteria that required to be met:
                              9001:  2008  certifications  to  implement  the  transition  to  the  ISO
                              9001: 2015 standard by September 2018.                            • Maintain clean premises
                                                                                                • Provide safe food
                HPP will undertake a Certificate of Completion in 2018  using  MS ISO 9001: 2015.   • Provide healthy food
           Provisions are sought for the implementation and strengthening of MS ISO activities in HPP   • Prepare food in proper serving portions according to
           including disclosure, understanding and skills to the Main Committee and all hospital staff   individual needs.
           against the MS ISO version 2015.
                                                                                                In HPP, the canteen is run by the RMP Catering which has been awarded with BeSS
           Activities that have been conducted during 2017 are:                            from 27  February 2017 until 26  February 2020 for a period of 3 years. The evalulation
                                                                                           was done by Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan JKN Pulau Pinang.
           1) MS ISO Comittee Meeting (7   Feb, 2   March, 29   March, 25   May & 19   Oct 2017)

           2) “Kursus Pemahaman & Pelaksanaan Perubahan MS ISO 9001:2008 ke versi 2015”         Routine  inspections  are  regularly  conducted  by  the  Health  Inspectors  from  Unit
               by SIRIM on 7 & 8   March 2017                                              Kesihatan Awam monthly to ensure that the owner of the food premise is adhering to the

           3) “Kursus Lead Auditor” on 15-19   May 2017                                    stipulated criteria.  They need to ensure that there are no potential risks that can harm the
           4)  Clause  Interpretation  &  Implementation  Strategy Course on 25 & 26   Oct 2017      food starting from the raw materials until it served onto the plates. The risk that has been
           5) “Mesyuarat Kajian Semula Pengurusan (MKSP)” on 5   December 2017             detected has to be eliminated or reduced to a minimum level in order to ensure food safety

                                                                                                All food handlers are also required to be vaccinated against typhoid (Typhim Vi) and
                                                                                           attend Food Handler Courses. During these courses, they will be taught on how to handle
                                                                                           the food starting from the raw materials until the cooking process.

                  MS ISO Comittee Meeting                “Kursus Pemahaman & Pelaksanaan -
                                               Perubahan MS ISO 9001:2008 ke versi 2015”

                                                                                                                         HPP canteen layout

                Clause Interpretation & Implementation                          MKSP 2017
                                  Strategy Course
                                                                                                    Routine Inspection of canteen premises by health inspectors to ensure

                                                                                                                       conformance to BeSS

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