Page 34 - Buletin Quality 2018
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                                                                                              KIK  was  established  in  2011  in  Hospital  Pulau  Pinang.  Starting  from  2016,  KIK  had
                                                                                           undergone evolution in  which the improvement of KIK’s  management is aimed  at fulfilling

                                                                     Contents              the  Fast,  Accurate  and  Integrity  -  Productivity,  Creativity  and  Innovation  concept  and
                                                                                           supporting  the  Blue  Ocean  Strategy,  the  value  innovation  principles  and  the  concept  of
                                                        Hospital Pulau Pinang              public services.
                                                                Buletin Q 2017                In  2017,  there  are  4  participating  KIK  teams  from  Obstretric  &  Gynecology,
                                                                                           Physiotherapy, Public Health and Ophtalmology Department. These groups are assisted by
                                                                                           periodic  workshops  held  on  20  - 21   Apr il  2017  and  12 -13   September  2017  organized
                                                                                           Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang

                                                                                              The KIK Convention was held on 26  October 2017 and KIK team from Ophtalmology
               Opening Address                                                            Department has won second place under category of creation.
              Director of Hospital Pulau Pinang                           1
              Head of Quality Unit                                        2

               Quality Improvement Activities
              Budaya Korporat                                             5
              MS ISO 9001:2015                                            7
              Lean Health Care                                            9
              Baby Friendly Hospital                                      11
              Clinical Audit                                              13
                                                                                                                                                Physiotherapy  group discussion
              Innovation                                                  15
              Pain Free Hospital                                          17
              QA HSA                                                      20
              HPIA/KPI Audit                                              23
              Malaysian Patient Safety Goals                              25
              Healthy  Cafeteria : BeSS Award                             28
              GMP/HACCP  Program                                          30
              Creative & Innovative (KIK)                                 32
              Kajian Kepuasan Pelanggan  & Piagam Pelanggan               34

                                                                                                                 Konvensyen KIK 2017 “ - SIGHTSAVER”
      4                                                                                                                                                            33
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