Page 32 - Buletin Quality 2018
P. 32

Training of Trainers (TOT):  Budaya Korporat dan Pengukuhan Soft Skills Workshop
                                                                                                              GMP / HACCP PROGRAM AT DIETETIC AND
                                                                                                                   FOOD SERVIS DEPARTMENT
              A total of 3 programmes to sensitize the staffs of Hospital Pulau Pinang regarding the
         importance of soft skills elements and corporate culture were held in 2017.
                                                                                                 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) are the practices required in order to confirm to
              The first programme targets clinical staffs who are directly dealing with patients on
         daily basis. 86 partcipants are trained under Program Latihan Transformasi Negara on 11–   the guidelines recommended by the agencies that control authorization and licensing for the
         13  July 2017. The activities focused on team building and simulation on conflict resolution,   food procedures. These guidelines provide the minimum requirement that the Department
         emotional management and communication skills.                                     has to meet to assure that the food products are of high quality and safe for patients and
              Meanwhile, Training of Trainers (TOT): Budaya Korporat dan Pengukuhan Soft Skills
         Workshop  is  conducted  on 19 –  20   September  2017  and 28 –  29   September  2017.   HACCP  is  a  management  system  in  which  food  safety  is  addressed  through  the
         Approximately 70 participants from managerial to supporting level successfully took part in   analysis  and  control  of  biological,  chemical,  and  physical  hazards  from  raw  material
         the workshop organised by Seksyen Latihan and Seksyen Psikologi Kaunseling.        production, procurement and handling, manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the
                                                                                            finished product.
              The activities in the workshop emphasized on soft skills elements that are essential in
         building  and  maintaining  the  3  core  values  upheld  by  Ministry  of  Health;  Penyayang,   The coordinator for GMP/HACCP program at our hospital level is headed by Pn. Nor
         Profesionalisme and Kerja Berpasukan.                                              Azlinah,  Head  of  Dietetic  and  Food  Services  Department.  The  coordinator  at  Department
                                                                                            level is Pn. Azlina, Catering Officer U41 and is assisted by En. Anuar (Outlet Manager Segi
                                                                                            Seri Sdn. Bhd) and En. Zaifulshah (Document Controller).
                                                                                                 Dietetic  And  Food  Service  Department  Penang  Hospital  and  its  outsourced  food
                                                                                            service company, Segi Seri Sdn. Bhd. has been certified HACCP and GMP on 1 December
                                                                                            2016 to 30 November 2019 for a period of 3 years.

                                                     Pengarah Hospital Pulau Pinang,
                                                     Y.Bhg Dato’ Dr. Norsidah binti Ismail is
                                                     giving the Opening and Welcome Speech
                                                     to the partcipants.

                                                                                                    GMP/HACCP Committee             GMP/HACCP Certificate Reception
                                                     Ice breaker activity is essential to create                                     Ceremony At State Level
                                                     comfort among participants in forming
                                                     a team and to sensitize the participants
                                                     about the  purpose of the training.

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