P. 208

Suggested Treatment
                   Infection/Condition                                                                                    Comments
                                                   Preferred                   Alternative

                 Rheumatic fever          Benzathine penicillin G IM    Penicillin V 250mg PO q12h   Duration
                 (Secondary prevention)   1.2 MU (>25kg) ;                                          With carditis: 10 yo or until 21 yo
                                          0.6 MU (<25 kg)             Penicillin Allergy :
                                          every 3-4 weeks             Erythromycin stearate 250mg   With carditis and residual heart disease:
                                                                      PO q12h                       10 years or until 40 yo

                                                                                                    Without carditis: 5 yo or until 21 yo

                 Neonatal Group B Strep   Intrapartum maternal        Ampicillin 2gm IV load then   Treat during labour if previously delivered infant with
                 Infection                prophylaxis till delivery   1gm q6h                       invasive GBS, GBS bacteriuria or antenatal screening
                                          Penicillin G IV                                           swabs positive
                                          (5MU load then 2.5MU q6h    Penicillin allergy
                                          till delivery)              Clindamycin 900mg IV q8h      OR
                                                                      (according to susceptibility)   if GBS status not known AND any of the following:
                                                                                                    •  Preterm <37 weeks
                                                                      OR                            •  PROM >18 hours
                                                                      Vancomycin (weight based      •  Intrapartum temp >38ºC
                                                                      dosing 20mg/kg, max 2gm

                   1.  Davies JM, Lewis MP, Wimperis J et al. Review of guidelines for the prevention and treatment of infection in patients with an absent or dysfunctional
                       spleen: prepared on behalf of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology by a working party of the Haemato-Oncology task force. Br J
                       Haematol. 2011;155:308-17
                   2.  American Academy of Pediatrics. Haemophilus influenzae infections. In: Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 29th,
                       Pickering LK. (Ed), American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL 2012. p.345
                   3.  American Academy of Pediatrics. Pertussis (whooping cough). In: Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 29th, Pickering
                       LK. (Ed), American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL 2012. p.553
                   4.  Updated recommendations for use of VariZIG--United States, 2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly
                       Rep. 201

               HPP AMG                                                       Chemoprophylaxis                                                            99
   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213